From the great start Linus Torvalds gave and his continued support to the open source community, Linux is a viable contender in the computer world. The Linux operating system is considered much more stable and secure than the Microsoft systems. Businesses, schools, governments and even now home users are turning to Linux as Microsoft seems to be trying the patience of their user base.

I have started down the trail to replacing all the applications I use on a computer with open source software. There remains two areas that I use windows for. One is video editing and the other is language learning software. I have moved to Germany some years ago but not taken the time to learn correct grammar as I am language lazy.

This page will evolve as a general information and reference source for Linux things. I will attempt to keep it current with my learning progress with Linux. I will attempt to use open source software for all my future needs. Open source software is maintained by volunteers and interested individuals throughout the world. Also distributors of Linux systems, (ie.Red Hat,etc) develop and support the open source community. I hope to reach a point were I can as well give something back to this dynamic community.

Kevin Tough